June 14, 2024

Navigate the space

Ordering content along different interpretable dimensions, like style or similarity, makes it navigable on x and y axes facilitating exploration and discovery of relationships between the data.

A collection of abstract, black ink sketches of human faces and figures. The central image is a close-up of a man's face with intense, angular lines. Surrounding sketches depict various male and female figures in expressive, fragmented styles.
Human needs

When exploring content, I want to order it along different dimensions, and navigate this ranking, so I can discover relationships.

  • Playful Navigation: Ordering content along different dimensions with navigable x and y axes transforms data exploration into an engaging, playful experience, encouraging users to interact more deeply with the content.
  • Zoomable Map: Placing content on a map interface allows users to zoom out and see how everything is related to the axes, enhancing the overall understanding and discovery of relationships and patterns within the content.
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