Navigate the space
Ordering content along different interpretable dimensions, like style or similarity, makes it navigable on x and y axes facilitating exploration and discovery of relationships between the data.
When exploring content, I want to order it along different dimensions, and navigate this ranking, so I can discover relationships.
- Playful Navigation: Ordering content along different dimensions with navigable x and y axes transforms data exploration into an engaging, playful experience, encouraging users to interact more deeply with the content.
- Zoomable Map: Placing content on a map interface allows users to zoom out and see how everything is related to the axes, enhancing the overall understanding and discovery of relationships and patterns within the content.
More of the Witlist
Proactive agents can autonomously initiate conversations and actions based on previous interactions and context providing timely and relevant assistance.
When an observation is added to the context from an implicit action and a prediction is made, users should be able to easily evaluate and dismiss it.
AI excels at classifying vast amounts of content, presenting an opportunity for new, more fluid filter interfaces tailored to the content.
AI can enhance live chat streams by analyzing real-time data, identifying trends, and driving interactive elements like voting to boost audience engagement.
Empower users to make decisions and give feedback quickly or engage more deeply when needed in natural language.
Textual information often misses intuitive cues for understanding relationships between ideas. AI can clarify these connections, making complex information easier to grasp quickly.