Token builder
June 11, 2024

Exploring language spatially

Use a spatial dimension to explore and manipulate language. By pulling text around on a map, you can play with different features in a playful and meaningful way.

 This image showcases a visual representation of different sentence structures and their characteristics. It displays four versions of a sentence about a boat trip in Venice, highlighting their differences in length, positivity, concreteness, and other attributes. The sentences are: "We had a beautiful boat trip in Venice" (1.27x Concrete). "Together we had such an unforgettable boat trip experience in Venice Italy" (1.41x Longer). "We had a pretty nice boat ride in Venice" (1.12x Negative). "Generating..." (1.35x Shorter). At the bottom, there are controls labeled Longer, Shorter, Negative, Positive, Abstract, and Concrete, indicating possible modifications to the sentences.
Human needs

When iterating on text, I want to spatially map and manipulate features like sentiment and text length, so I can experiment and refine ideas more freely.

AI-UX patterns
  • Exploring Latent Spaces: By adjusting feature values, generative models can create new text, providing a playful yet meaningful way to manipulate and understand ideas.
  • Using Line Length and Direction: Playing with the length and direction of lines can control the newly generated text. For instance, choosing the 'concrete' tool and using a long line will result in a straightforward output. In contrast, a short line may simply clarify some terms or leave out some details.
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