May 15, 2024

Incentivize giving feedback

Presenting multiple outputs helps users explore and identify their preferences and provides valuable insights into their choices, even enabling user feedback for model improvement.

This image features four abstract visual representations, possibly generated by Midjourney, showcasing "diffusion AI grain." The visuals include a central spiral structure, a flowing wave-like formation, a complex geometric mesh, and a field of wheat. The highlighted selection indicates "V2" with a cursor pointing to it.
Human needs

When generating outputs, I want multiple suggestions to explore and identify my preferences, so I can choose the best option.

  • Personalized Outputs through Progressive Refinement: The process of making suggestions and progressively narrowing down options can lead to more personalized and satisfactory outputs.
  • Ideal for Uncertain User Preferences: This approach is ideal for situations where users may not fully know what they want. Many tools that take a longer time to generate output provide at least two options to choose from. For example, Suno and Midjourney do this.
  • User Preference Feedback: Allowing users to pick between multiple outputs informs the model which one is preferred.

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