April 26, 2024

Visual grounding

Using the source input as ground truth will help trust the system and makes it easy to interpret its process and what might have gone wrong.

A screenshot of a pricing table or spreadsheet. The main focus is a highlighted cell displaying the amount "€ 35,00". This same amount is also shown in a separate box or label within the image. The surrounding cells contain various other monetary amounts ranging from around €27 to €165. Based on the layout and formatting, this seems to be a financial or pricing-related document.
Human needs

When checking data, I want to be able to see how the system arrived at its answer, so I can trust the data and identify any potential errors in the process.

  • AI Transparency and Explainability: Make AI systems transparent and understandable by explaining how and why decisions are made.
  • Multimodal Context: In this example we used the context of an image of a receipt, but it can also include other modalities, such as audio.
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