June 2, 2024

Language as a tangible material

Textual information often misses intuitive cues for understanding relationships between ideas. AI can clarify these connections, making complex information easier to grasp quickly.

An image displaying a text excerpt from an article with highlighted sections in beige. The highlighted text reads, "The new policy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change" and "However, the policy also includes provisions that encourage the continued use of fossil fuels, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions." To the right, a sidebar titled "The surprising twist #2" explains that despite the policy's aim to reduce emissions, it surprisingly includes provisions supporting the use of fossil fuels.
Human needs

When dealing with text, I want to make relationships and patterns tangible and accessible, so I can intuitively understand and interact with the information.

  • The Limitations of Text-Based Interaction: Text is an inhumane way to interact with information. Physical materials are full of rich texture and detail that guide their use.
  • The Richness of Physical Materials: Physical materials have rich textures and details that intuitively guide how they can be used and manipulated, digital experiences are sometimes lacking this.
  • Enhancing Digital Experiences: It would be beneficial to make interacting with information more tangible and visual to provide ways to interact and explore information in new ways.
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