June 13, 2024

Semantic highlights

Embedding models can rank data based on semantic meaning, evaluating each individual segment on a spectrum to show its relevance throughout the artifact.

Highlighted text from a digital document titled 'Philosophical Perspectives on Love.' The highlights include various philosophical views on love, such as Plato's concept of love as a motivation to seek beauty and truth, and Aristotle's categorization of love into philia (friendship), eros (romantic love), and agape (unconditional love). The document suggests that love is a spectrum of relationships and emotions that influence human behavior and societal structures.
Human needs

When scanning large amount of text, I want to be able to rank data based on meaning, so I can understand the significance of selected concepts easily.

  • The flow of language: When we are able to rank content on specific parameters, we also make the flow of the language visible. This makes it easier to scan large amounts of text for the information you are searching for.
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