Data ownership
June 1, 2024

Manage your data context

You should control how products and services (not) access your data through a manageable profile. This allows you to create a relevant context across many platforms while maintaining control.

An image showing a permissions request screen with a white background and green gradient header. The request is from OpenAI, asking to access a user's "datavault." The request includes checkboxes for "Personal information" (5 items), "Interests" (12 items), "Assistant preferences" (6 items), and "Contacts" (87 items). Each section has a dropdown arrow for more details, and there is a prominent "Allow" button at the top right.
Human needs

When asked for my data, I want to control access to the data I have built over time, so I can ensure services can assist me effectively while protecting my privacy.

  • Bring your own data: Storing user context information in some form of browser can transform it into an integral part of your digital identity, accessible by any digital services in one place and only when needed and permitted.
  • Curating personal data: You can support users to identify and prioritize the most important data about themselves. For example through an interactive interview format.
  • Data Management agent: An AI-powered agent could assist people in managing and protecting their relevant data points, as it might be challenging for individuals to handle all the information on their own.
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