Grounding sources
July 16, 2024

Cross-tab assistance

A smart browser assistant that understands the context of your open tabs to offer relevant suggestions and actions, enhancing productivity through transparency and control.

A screenshot showing a web browser with multiple tabs open. The left side displays a sidebar with tabs for Gmail, a Medium article titled "Alignment through interaction," a YouTube video titled "Courage | The Art of Facing Fear," and a Slack channel named "AI Insights." The right side of the screen shows a Medium article featuring an iceberg image.
Human needs

I love how the assistant understands the context across multiple tabs and offers helpful suggestions that connect related information and possible actions!

  • User Control: Users should be able to select the tabs in which they want assistance, ensuring relevance and appropriateness.
  • Transparent Suggestions: Clear AI suggestions build trust and improve usability by showing the reasoning behind recommendations.
  • Contextual awareness: Context-aware intelligence understands your intentions, significantly boosting productivity with recommendations and actions.
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