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Common space

How to use Large Language Models to harness the wisdom of the crowd?

Last month, a conversation between us sparked an insightful realization about our online behavior. Despite us being active consumers of digital content we rarely engage in comment sections.

We found this isn't due to a lack of opinions or ideas; rather, we are uncertain about how our ideas will fit within the existing comment section. This realization made us wonder:

How can we motivate more people to share their ideas within a community?

As the human-AI design lab we are focused on merging human needs with machine capabilities like LLMs.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a type of generative AI that are great at handling text. They are trained on huge amounts of data, enabling them to do:

  • Text generation: Create new text on various topics.
  • Content summary: Make short summaries of long articles or documents
  • Content translation: Change how and in what language a piece of text is written.
  • Classification and categorization: Organize and sort a lot of information quickly.

We believe LLM’s can turn the chaotic mix of comments into clear, easy-to-follow narratives and topics. Making it easier for anyone to understand, engage and contribute meaningfully in their own way.

So, as is our practice at Witlist, we started experimenting with combining LLM's and comment sections.

Our goal was simple: to encourage sharing ideas and to help individual voices be heard within the larger community dialogue.

We call this project 'Common Space'. It's still a work in progress, but we're excited about its potential to explore the future of online sharing of ideas, making it more inclusive and engaging.

We will keep updating 'Common Space' and set out on making it part of the Witlist platform Check it out! and let us know what you think.

Common Space

These topics & findings are AI generated based on all user contributions.
AI models can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.
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Empathy findings
Based on 001 contributions
Commodo parturient consequat. Mattis blandit molestie at dictum ac velit in in ipsum. Tortor consequat nunc id arcu elementum adipiscing diam ultricies
Commodo parturient consequat. Mattis blandit molestie at dictum ac velit in in ipsum?
Oct. 16 ‘23
001 contributions

🤔 Commodo parturient consequat mattis blandit

Commodo parturient consequat. Mattis blandit molestie at dictum ac velit in in ipsum. Tortor consequat nunc id arcu elementum adipiscing diam ultricies
Oct. 16 ‘23